How to Protect Your Children from the Sexual Agenda (2) — Arrows of Revival Podcast

Based in New York City, Bishop Reid and Pastor Reid discusses the people and instruments of revival n this weekly podast series, Arrows of Revival

How to Protect Your Children from the Sexual Agenda (2)

How to Protect Your Children from the Sexual Agenda (2)

Kaysey, a ten-year-old girl in the United Kingdom was suspended after requesting to be excused from an LGBTQ pride month lesson promoting those lifestyles. However, Kaysey spoke with conviction as to why she requested to be excused from the lesson.

In London, as reported on on July 1st, 2019, a young girl was suspended by her headteacher after she requested to be excused from an LGBT pride month lesson. The young girl, Kaysey, boldly states her disagreement with the agenda as she said, “Before anybody knew what LGBT meant, everybody knew what gender they were...But now people are confused, and they’re saying that they’re bisexual and trans because they’re confused...Before this happened, they were completely confident of who they were but now they’re not.  It’s really affecting other kids because now they’re losing confidence...and asking, ‘Why am I this person? Why can’t I be someone else? ’(”. Watch the video of Kaysey below.

Kaysey, a star pupil at her school, was manipulated, bullied and excluded by her head teacher over alleged anti-LGBT comments. Here she tells her story.

There are two important takeaways from this news story. First, it is that there is an aggressive effort to influence our children to accept the so-called “alternative lifestyles” which includes same-sex relationships, and transgender identities. The second takeaway from the news is that the young girl, Kaysey, had to have been raised by parents that instilled certain values in her - giving her the conviction to reject the LGBT lesson.

How can we build that same type of conviction in the heart of our children? How can we protect our children from the LGBT agenda?

The first two principles are (1) Christian parents being a radical example of godly living in the home, and (2) having Bible teaching in the home. Read the first two points of Protecting Your Children from the Sexual Agenda here.. The next five points are church involvement, gender role models, culture capturing, visioning, and guiding.

Church Involvement

As a parent, be committed to attending a local church where you serve and are involved in ministry activities. Ensure that it is a church that is committed to the Word of God, and have examples that will be beneficial to your children. These are the characteristics of a healthy church:

    1. Bible-based

    2. Promote Godly Living

    3. Exemplary Leadership - Faithful, godly marriages, with children in obedience.

    4. Faithful, God-fearing Members

    5. Exemplary Men and Women of Integrity

The church is a place where mature women can teach and guide younger women, and mature men can teach and guide younger men. 

The church is a place where mature women can teach and guide younger women, and mature men can teach and guide younger men. 

Gender Role Models

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Those with an agenda to push alternative sexual orientations and gender roles such as homosexuality, lesbianism, radical feminism, and transgenderism use “pics” to further their agenda. They use movies, cartoons, and even books to show examples of “alternative” lifestyles. 

Therefore, it is important that children see ongoing real-life ‘pictures’ of men and women fulfilling their God-given gender role.

First in the Home

  1. Relationship Building

Fathers should build a strong relationship with their children. Be an example of masculinity and strength to their sons by teaching and leading them to take responsibility. The influence of a father is needed to teach sons to develop maturity in being independent and taking responsibility. Fathers should demonstrate to daughters how they should be spoken to and treated. 

it is important that children see ongoing real-life ‘pictures’ of men and women fulfilling their God-given gender role.

Mothers need to have a consistent line of communication with their children so that a trusting relationship will be built. Affirming that their daughters are like princesses,  mothers can teach them to love themselves and their femininity. Mothers can encourage activities that demonstrate to daughters the nurturing care of a woman. Furthermore, mothers can have their daughters to join them in serving her husband or others. With sons, mothers should affirm their masculinity and give them the opportunity and the space to act responsibly.

Demonstrating Marital Roles

In married homes, it is best for children to see parents treating each other based on the God-given roles that we have. Children should see husbands as Providers, Protectors, and Leaders in the home, taking up the weight of covering the home. Mothers should be examples of care and nurture; children should see that they are the primary managers of the well-being of the home. When wives submit to and reverence their husbands, and husbands love and diligently provide and protect their wife, this sets up children to think positively toward Biblical gender role models.

Models in the Church

When there is an absent father or mother in the home, mentors in the church become a great asset for positive gender role models.

When wives submit to and reverence their husbands, and husbands love and diligently provide and protect their wife, this sets up children to think positively toward Biblical gender role models.

Culture Capturing

A mistake that parents make is to leave their children as a lamb to slaughter to the cultural trends of the society. Cultures are built on beliefs, values, and ideologies. The stakeholders that are often the thought leaders in the society have values and beliefs that are anti-Christian. The culture of the entertainment industry should be watched which include music, movies, shows, YouTube, and social media channels. The fashion trends should be monitored, and parents should take the time to teach and guide children to dress modestly with clothing that reflects their gender. Parents need to monitor their children’s involvement in the dating culture, and their physical interaction in school. We must capture the culture. Capturing the culture means to do two things:

  1. Confront it by teaching your children where and how it is wrong.

  2. Engage 

    • In activities that align with Christian values. For example, taking the time to engage your children in watching shows, singing songs, and playing games together where possible.

    • Filter elements that are ungodly. While engaging, you will be able to teach your children how to filter elements of entertainment that are ungodly. For example, you can watch online videos with children that are carefully chosen, and rejecting certain shows and sharing with your children the reasons.

    • Reject - change the channel when something inappropriate appears. Monitor the online activity of children and keep them from inappropriate content.

Capture the culture in the minds of your by confronting the wrong images and ideologies of the system with the Word of God. Secondly, engage with your children in activities that do not contradict the Christian faith, teaching them to filter and reject elements of it that are ungodly.



Prophesy over your children that they will grow up to be godly men and women of God, and that they will have healthy marriages, family and home. Prophesy God’s word over your children.

Setting Futuristic images

At a young age, paint pictures to your children - such as a daughter being like a princess, and looking forward to marrying a godly husband. Set pictures in the mind of your son for them to become strong, godly men who are able to provide for a family.


As children get older begin to guide their steps in life. How to respond to the LGBT agenda in school? How to relate to homosexual, transgender peers? How to relate to the opposite sex? How to dress modestly? How to deal with sexual desires? Teach them the right type of attitude to have toward marriage. If you are unsure how to teach them on these topics, then get the guidance of your local church pastor or a mature Christian brother or sister in the Lord from your church.

Discerning the Voice of Others

Discerning the Voice of Others

Protect Your Children from the Sexual Agenda

Protect Your Children from the Sexual Agenda