YOUNG PEOPLE IN MINISTRY — Arrows of Revival Podcast

Based in New York City, Bishop Reid and Pastor Reid discusses the people and instruments of revival n this weekly podast series, Arrows of Revival



Today, Bishop Reid speaks with his son, Evangelist Terrique. The discussion begins with a short message to parents to encourage their children to do the work of the ministry. Then, they discuss Terrique's call to the ministry, and how young people can get involved in ministry also.

Questions Discussed

  • Tell us your testimony, and what brought you to ministry

  • What helped you to stand for God as a young man?

  • How did you know you were called for ministry?

  • What type of ministry have you done before?

  • What will you be doing in Nepal?

  • Any advice for young people who desire ministry?

  • What role does social media play in the church?


[00:00:01] Program Introduction

[00:00:28] Bishop Reid: Greetings. This is Bishop Reid here. My son Terrique who is now an Evangelist Evangelist Terrique. 

[00:00:36] And we're here with another episode of arrows of revival. 

[00:00:41] And I want to talk today with my son here with us I want to talk about young people in ministry young people in ministry and in Terrique is my son I mean he is not a child anymore. 

[00:01:03] He's 24 years old. Yep and is basically on his own. 

[00:01:09] Bishop Reid: And but the Bible does say in Psalms 127 Verse 4 as arrows are in the hand of a mighty man so are children of the youth and I'm saying that to say that I am blessed by God to have a son like Terrique and my other children who God has been using in a ministry in different ways and truly as the scripture says children of the youth are arrows in the hand of a mighty man. 

[00:01:42] And as we're talking about arrows of revival young people are one of the arrows in revival in these last days. 

[00:01:49] The Bible says in Joel 2:28 in the last days or after this God will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh and sons and daughters shall prophesy young man shall see visions old men shall dream dreams. 

[00:02:03] So therefore young people are a part of the revival that is happening in these last days. 

[00:02:11] And just to tell you a little about my son Terrique that he is getting ready to go to Nepal he has been studying at the Bethel Bethany Global University right Bethany globally. Bethany Global University has been studying there for the past two years studying missions and business. Am I correct? Yep. And he will be going to Nepal for about two years a little less than two years and he'll be continuing his studies there while he's doing missions. You'll be learning about missions while doing it in Nepal. And he'll tell you more about that in a little bit. But just to give an idea what he's doing now. He was just ordained in our church as an evangelist and God has used him over the years. 

[00:02:58] And so what I want to point out to you is that God can use young people and parents that are listening. We do understand this that it's great. It's awesome for your son your daughter to become a doctor and become a lawyer to become whatever career teacher plumber or whatever career it is. 

[00:03:23] It's a very good thing. And to do great things in life to be successful in life. 

[00:03:28] That's all good. all well but also encourage your children to do the work of ministry. For some of you, your children will be called into the ministry. Some that is that will be what they do full time -ministry. God is still calling young people into that. That's some even though they may have their careers may also be active doing ministry and encourage your children to go into ministry. I find that it's less than in the past. Where parents are encouraging their children for ministry. 

[00:04:02] But we need to do that because children are arrows for God's Revival. 

[00:04:09] Bishop Reid: God will use children or young people in his revival in these days. And so I want to talk to Terrique find out more about how he got into ministry and hopefully, in this episode it will inspire other young people listening to go into ministry themselves. 

[00:04:30] Not only that but at us as parents we may see the need to encourage and pray for our children our children  that we have to go into ministry. 

[00:04:42] Praise God. So Terrique it's glad to have you as a part of our revival today. 

[00:04:51] So just for those that are listening and you know and I could hear again also. 

[00:04:57] So tell us your testimony and what brought you to this place in terms of doing ministry. 

[00:05:05] Evangelist Terrique: Like whenever I told my testimony I think it's it's always. I always start when to start at the very beginning of my testimony and when I go through it it always starts with my mom. You know mommy you know your wife you know who. 

[00:05:23] Evangelist Terrique: I think one of things is that you know being born I think I was born premature at the time and hearing my mom's testimony of someone who you know had a child and you know who was on the you know basically was on the breaking of you know having this child being lost because of how little he was you know hearing her story of faith of how she came to the faith and how she prayed and went to other leaders to pray for my life and how you know the doctors and I think it was going to happen. But you know seeing me being healed from that you know there was a point in my life where you know I had asthma and I can be a testimony to say that you know since that prayer and since being healed at that time I don't suffer from asthma anymore. So I think it always starts to my mom and how her faith played into my faith growing up. 

[00:06:17] Evangelist Terrique: And I think that stories always stuck with me. So you know growing up I was definitely always in church with you for a moment. 

[00:06:25] Bishop Reid: You know also that your mother had a revelation of you before you were born she saw you being delivered and coming out preaching. Yeah. If you remember she always tells the story. 

[00:06:38] Evangelist Terrique Yeah she always does. A couple of leaders in the church when they were praying for me while I was in the hospital you know she herself you know she said she used to pray. There's a book in the Bible where a part of her book of I think was like first kings where you have Samuel comes in. 

[00:06:56] And Hannah mom is praying for Samuel actually. 

[00:07:00] Evangelist Terrique: Yes Samuel. This is first Samuel. All right so first Samuel you have Samuel right there and you know you have Hannah's mom who's actually praying and praying with some girls some is mom Hannah. Yeah Hannah and she was definitely you know going before the Lord in prayer. 

[00:07:15] You know just if she could have my son in and you know in that prayer was something that my mom always used to reference every time she was praying for me. So definitely she did see me coming out preaching and definitely you know that has been fulfilled in my life today. 

[00:07:30] Bishop Reid: Right. So can you go into it more so that for you personally how do you know that your call to ministry? And how did you come to faith? Can you Can you expand a little more from the time of your mother growing up. 

[00:07:47] Evangelist Terrique: Well again like it kind of branches out. 

[00:07:49] Evangelist Terrique: So I always think about the faith of my mom and and how that played into my own faith and what for me when I realized when I entered into ministry because it's not like you know a cakewalk as I like you know you just wake up one day and it's like oh you know there's ministry this way I want to do I think God walk me through a process of realizing what my mandate and purpose was and it came to me you know through you know just growing up in the church and hearing the messages and saying you know I really love God and then that love for God to transition into. What can I do to serve God? And when I go when it transitions into OK how do I serve God. You know I try to put in the works in terms of what can I do to tell others about God. And then when I figured out that I want to tell other people about God because of this love that was going in my heart I think that's when I found my purpose in regards to ministry and in regards to you know sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others it became overflow of love in my heart for the gospel. That became a manifestation of the work that I wanted to do as a Christian. 

[00:08:54] Bishop Reid: So are you in church and doing ministry just because you are born into the church and born into a Christian family. 

[00:09:04] Evangelist Terrique: No but I can say it did help me a lot. 

[00:09:07] Bishop Reid: OK. So what caused you to come to faith. 

[00:09:10] Evangelist Terrique: Well calling me to come to faith was an encounter with God. And when a lot of people have different encounters you know some people have visions do you have dreams for me was reading the bible and just finding out there was an overflow of love overflow of love within the Bible when it comes to you know just reading just the sacrifices you did on the cross and you know as I got older you know when you try to put other religions you know trying to figure out OK you know this is what Christians believe but you always have that reference of you know I am in a Christian house also maybe you know I'm kind of biased towards it but if you look at any other type of religion you know you don't see a sacrifice that major or that huge that could you know redeem man. You know it's always you know you have to do the repetitive task but you know Jesus Christ is the only person that sacrifice to redeem man for a sin. And you know all we have to do is believe. So I think for me it's by the realization of the scripture and the revelations that the scriptures revealed unto me through reading. That's how I came to Grace. 

[00:10:16] Bishop Reid: Well you know that for a lot of young people it's challenging to stand for God. It's challenging to be different than those around them in school college and so forth. It's a lot of pressure on young people to really fit in. So Terrique what helps you to stand for God as a young man. So over the years been in the church your teenage years up to now what are some of the things that you'd say help you to really stand for the Lord. 

[00:10:48] Evangelist Terrique For me it does help that I have parents that were Christians. So that's definitely a plus. But I think I've always was taught like you know you have to know God for yourself you have to know Jesus for yourself.

[00:11:05] So for me you know having a relationship having a relationship with God was really important for me. So I think I think in today's age it is not really unpopular to be kind of weird or to kind of be kind of different. 

[00:11:22] I think there is in today's society either by wants to kind of be a part of the majority but I don't really think that's necessarily the most popular thing to do. I think you have to be able to identify who you are and who you are in Christ. And once you've have a firm understanding of who you are in Christ let that firm understanding be the foundation upon you where you walk on. 

[00:11:45] So for me where I stand was understanding that you know if the gospel of Jesus said that I am supposed to be a man after his own heart petitioned me about righteousness and I'm reading the Bible I'm seeing how these men of a God who had a love for God fell and how they had to keep on going for God and keep on pursuing him. 

[00:12:02] And now I'm reading about David about you know how he has fall from you know how he felt with his sin and how he had to you know keep on going to God and repent for this and I'm reading about you know Saul who was a person who was murdering Christians and how he went and he became Paul someone who was actually going ahead and you know preaching about the gospel. So when you read this scripture in the Bible for me you know I always think testimony is such a powerful term because through my mom's testimony Am I able to give my own testimony. And if you think about it through the testimony of others in the Bible are we able to draw the strength from their testimonies understand that we can now have a way to kind of feed the majority or the normality of this world. I think a lot of times there is a pressure but that pressure doesn't have to crush us. It can make us into something a lot more beautiful like diamonds. 

[00:12:53] Bishop Reid: So I'm sure you went through different temptations. How did you overcome those temptations. 

[00:13:01] Evangelist Terrique: As a young man definitely. You know I could. I think that most young people can say that they have tested some temptations and some people even fall into some temptations. I don't think I'm exclusive to that fact. But I do think what the difference between temptations is you know you have to understand that you're always going to be tempted. Jesus was tempted himself but in terms of actually falling through the temptations that's something completely different. So for me you know I always think that temptation is to always start with a thought and then it necessarily becomes like a desire and then you want to fulfill that desire. I think for me it one of the things is that you know when you do have a thought like that is this cut you off at the thought and just to focus on something else. You know you have to be able to switch gears you know kind of like a car. You have to be able to switch gears and like all right, this storm is coming to my mind. This probably is going to leave into a dark place. And I really don't want to do it. So I'm going to go and switch to something else. So you definitely have to switch your mindsets. 

[00:14:01] Bishop Reid: OK. All right. So you're going to go on the mission field to Nepal. So can you tell us what type of missions have you done before or have you already been involved in ministry? 

[00:14:15] Evangelist Terrique: Yeah. So I've been to a total of five countries. I've been to Brazil I've been to Argentina Puerto Rico Jamaica and the United Kingdom. 

[00:14:28] And each one of those places was a different form of me just doing ministry in general. So I've read I've been doing a lot of first of all you know just building up the church in terms of physically actually building up a church like you know. 

Bishop Reid: Did you do that in Jamaica? 

[00:14:46] Evangelist Terrique: It was it was like a. They had the land and you had to go ahead and actually put the cement down to help put the cement down. Help put some bricks down and now I believe it's a site. It's a church now that actually has like doors and everything. So it's kind of great to kind of see how the transformation was from you know just a plot of land with a tent that they had to clean every Sunday to now having like a church that's there that's you know I could actually say I've been a part of that work and also giving back to the community. 

[00:15:14] We did a lot of you know gift giving back to the poor in terms of food and in terms of supplies as well as in Jamaica. It was in Jamaica. 

[00:15:22] Evangelist Terrique: It was also in the UK as well where you know we gave him food out and we gave people supplies. I was in the UK. I would definitely focused on doing a lot of teachings and devotions within the church community there. So definitely was in a position of a teacher and teaching them about just going about the some scriptures about the Bible about living purity and how to reach out and how to you know really minister the Gospel effective which is something that's really important in today's time. 

[00:15:52] I would say in Brazil we did a lot of deliverance ministry there. You know you have a lot of people that were on drugs. Definitely Brazil. And we were able to partner up with a ministry there and give out food late at night and being able to see the homeless people that's on the ground and to see you know the stuff that they struggled with and to be able to you know pray with them and you know seeing deliverance and seeing people that you know we're drug addicts. But in the church you know seeing their redemptive story of how they met God and how you know where they were healed from it and they're no longer to be addicted. So there was a lot of stuff that I learned from Brazil there. So that's something a little bit a taste of what I've been doing in regards to my ministry all around. 

[00:16:33] Bishop Reid: Well you've also been preaching. Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah. I can't forget that part yeah I've also been preaching the gospel as well. On the streets giving out tracts and administering to sinners as well. 

[00:16:47] Evangelist Terrique: Well you also preach in the church. 

[00:16:48] Yeah definitely. Oh yeah. Well I appreciate the tricks as well inside the church and outside the church. The best type of preaching. 

[00:16:56] Bishop Reid: OK so you're heading to Nepal. What will you be doing in Nepal.?

[00:17:02] Evangelist Terrique: in Nepal. I'll be there for about approximately 16 months in Nepal I do. I'm searching for avenues in which to do ministry and Nepal is one of those countries where you can't really make a minister as freely as you would other countries that I've been to like and you know Jamaica or or United Kingdom you know they very much are against evangelism and will most definitely put you in jail up to five to seven years if you are caught or someone does report you to the Nepalese government. So it's a lot different than other works that I've been doing. So it's really focusing on a friendship evangelism and being able to partner up with different communities. So we are going to be partnering up with a disabled community you know with them and within their government within the culture is a lot different than American culture so people who are disabled or people who are poor are looked down upon because you know they're not born into this kind of caste system where you know the caste system you know you have the highest of the highs who you know the people that kinda you know run the government of having money Hindus. Yeah they're mostly Hindus. You know I would say 90 percent is Hindus and then 10 percent as Buddhists and like Hindus and Buddhist have this weird relationship where it's like you know they kind of believe they are gods or 1 percent ok ok 1 percent are Christians in a population. 

[00:18:28] And if they are Christian they're mostly underground and they don't practice this like they have like a church you know because they have a whole bunch of temples and shrines in Nepal. But you know you're not going to see a church out there with liberal churches there. If they do have churches or they're underground they're not being like have like a house church outside. So it's definitely something that is working on me to do.

[00:18:53] Bishop Reid: Okay. So are you sure. OK. You also mentioned you you're going to be going to a certain group of people who have not really heard the gospel before. 

[00:19:06] Evangelist Terrique: Yes. The it's the Nepalese people you know they haven't really heard the gospel because of exactly of the conditions of the government. So like how I was explained that the lower caste. Systems and everything like that. 

[00:19:21] The caste systems you know really really are something that's followed in the India as well where you know you had you have a higher class and a lower class and some of these people have never heard of the term Jesus because again like you know they're poor don't have access to like social media they don't have access to understood of the Bible because the government you know doesn't want the bible circulated in their country. So you definitely have like a group of people that you know have been cut off from a lot of large ports large portions of the world. And you know you're just trying to give out the truth of Jesus Christ to those people. 

[00:19:56] Bishop Reid: All right. Praise God. So. All right. Terrique so any advice you have for young people who may decide to be ministry or even maybe you could say something to those who probably have no desire to do being ministry and what would you say to them to kind of like ignite that that desire to do the work of the law and get into ministry and then maybe some listening who want to get into ministry maybe they don't know how to start or would you say to them. 

[00:20:24] Evangelist Terrique: I would say you should just for those who want to you should just start and when I say start you know just do whatever you can. Know and that sounds like a job but you have to realize what's your mandate and what's your purpose. You know where would you go. Put you on this earth to do. I think that's a question that I pondered about a lot when I first went into ministry and I think the manifestations of that will show and the work that you do.

[00:20:49] So you know you do hear that you know in the Bible you know the Bible does command us to love each other. You know what does that really look like in the Gospel commands us to share the gospel with other people as the great commission that's found it. Matthew The book of Matthew you know what do we as Christians how does that look like for us to do. So I would say get started on again focus on sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how might that be your starting point and see what God is putting on your heart in your spirit to do. 

[00:21:17] Bishop Reid: OK so what about the young people out there with no desire for ministry at all. They just want to do their career and just get on with life. 

[00:21:27] Evangelist Terrique: I mean I feel like as long as you're a Christian you know there will always be a desire for more. And when I say that is it's more like you know as a Christian you're practicing having a relationship with Jesus. 

[00:21:41] You know having a relationship with God. And I think a lot of times we we miss classify you know being Christians as you're saying you know I just go to church you know and I say OK because I go to church it's so much more than just going to church. So having a personal relationship with your lord and savior is understanding about the Polish you have as a Christian you know you can't you know necessarily be called a Christian if you know you never talk to Jesus. You know I've never talked to Christ. So I think you have to look for more ways to be interactive with Jesus. I feel like prayer is one of the things that you know Christians who are maybe not be interested in ministry they should at least be in deep communication with Jesus and let Jesus reveal to them what needs to be done in their lives and what their purpose and what their mandate is because most of the times we think that our vocation is our mandate or is our purpose. You know but you will find out you know really soon that you know your vocation cannot fill that spiritual hole that you have in your heart. You know your job or money doesn't really fill it in for that's all of flesh. You have to have something that has that brings purpose. 

[00:22:47] Bishop Reid: Bishop Reid: All right. So after all you've said I'm a little jealous here is only your mom's testimony that you nothing from your father right here. 

[00:23:00] Evangelist Terrique: Yeah definitely. You know. 

[00:23:06] So Terrique any questions you have for me. 

[00:23:11] Yeah. You know I think it's really important that people realize the significance or kind of what culture has done for social media and how that social media has affected the church. You know we live in in today's age where you have at least you know a lot of people there are quote unquote Christian influencers and Christian influencers meaning like you know they have social media platform in which they you know be able to share about their faith. I think that you know in a lot of portions that have really affect a lot of young people that do follow these influencers for encouragement or you know to see their posts. But now you have these same influencers being people they're actually you know renouncing Christ you had like two of them this year that actually renounced Christ. So I think what role should social media play in the church and how does the culture of social media affects how we evangelize. 

[00:24:10] So you're saying. So what role should social media play in the church. Yeah. So I mean social media is just like the Internet platform or TV platform in terms of how the church should engage it. 

[00:24:23] So what I mean by that is these platforms can do a lot of good and a lot of evil the Internet TV was like that the Internet is like that is a lot of good and a lot of evil on it and social media kind of is the pinnacle of all the good and all that bad that can happen on the Internet 

[00:24:48] On social media uu have a lot of good social media. You have the worst kind of evil and if for some reason people engage social media sometimes the worst part of them come out that you want to see face to face or in another type of forum in terms of how should the church use social media. What role should the church play in social media. It's just like how the church has been using TV Internet. It's another media platform for the church to spread its message. So the church basically should take the message of the gospel through social media and that can take different kind of forms and we cannot go into all the different ways to correct kind or the correct way the best way to go about it but the fact is that the Church today has to get involved in social. 

[00:25:38] Bishop Reid: You know Sunday's Sunday is only one day in most churches have a Sunday services and maybe one day in the week. And then there's all this gap in between and in the past you know you just beat the church door would be closed until next time and the trust doors are open. 

[00:25:55] And now today with social media what the church has to understand is that we cannot have that gap. And what I mean by that is the moment people step outside of church they're on their phones they're on their computers and they're interacting with social media all the time. 

[00:26:13] Bishop Reid: And that's both young and old and so it's very important that the church presence is on these platforms so that people can continue to interact with the message and continue to interact with the life of the church through social media platforms like the pastor could give a message their services can be on there throughout the week different ways social media can be used to interact with people so that the people keep in mind the things of God. There's so much so much information being dumped into social media that it's very necessary for the church's presence to be there. Now in terms of individuals that I'm talking about the church as a body things that leaders pastors can do. Church bodies can do to get on social media in different ways. You have life services you've got to have interactive posts you can have a pastor or church leader are just coming on and sharing something from their life through that week. So you have these different types of ways that they can interact. sharing pictures from the church from missions from ministry and things of that sort. But in terms of individuals individuals should interact with social media. 

[00:27:33] It's it's number one. It's very important that everyone every believer be very vigilant and careful the type of people that they listen to on social media every believer in need to first understand. 

[00:27:50] Bishop Reid: That it's the it's the their local church that's the primary police. It should be getting fed into word type into word advice spiritual advice and counsel. Local churches of first place not the internet not social media. You get a look at the ministry through the internet social media as a supplemental thing like reading a good Christian book. Yeah but not as the main way that they should be fed or the main way that they should be led. There should be a local church with a local pastor leader. 

[00:28:28] Bishop Reid: It's still important to touch it to have the physical presence. It's very important when the Bible talks about fellowship. It's not talking about just know writing letters back then it would be writing a letter. Yeah I definitely would have been right. In today's social media about he'll be writing letters. I mean when Paul talked about Fellowship for the apostles talk about fellowship they're not about writing letters to each other. It's about being actually being together. We're just good where two or three are gathered together. It's talking about a physical gathering and how do I know that because well communion it communion where they shared a meal together it was done physically there at a location where they are actually together when they talk about greeting each other with a kiss. You can only do that if your physical presence is actually there. And so it's still important to gather together in a local place to have a pastor over you can hold you accountable. And it could teach you as you go through different things in life. So I'm saying to know the place that social media plays. It should not replace the church. It should not repeat in local governments not replace a pastor but it can be you supplementary and to be very vigilant and who you listen to. 

[00:29:42] Bishop Reid: You can go to your pastor for advice of whether certain person is good or not you could do your own research on them to see you what a type of doctrines that they teach to help guide you in that if you don't know how to do the research. Ask a pastor ask a leader in your church acts on a mature person your church with some help in that area. 

[00:30:02] Now the other thing is how we use social media as individuals. You know you have Christians that goes on say for example Facebook. 

[00:30:13] And they talk about other people in their church. 

[00:30:15] Evangelist Terrique: Oh yeah that definitely happens. 

[00:30:18] But talk about the church the negative things about your church. I'm not talking about like there is false doctrine in the church but more like something happened like offences up in every day and they go and spread it all over online or there is some kind of scandal and just like talk about all the church and this is like it looks bad as Christians for us to have things like that. 

[00:30:39] That's definitely not the way we want to use social media. You don't want to use social media to kind of like this be out all the negative things went on the church or even in our lives as Christians something should be kept off of it. We definitely want to use social media to encourage others to build others up in Christ you know to share good things positive things. 

[00:31:02] Bishop Reid: And it is not the place definitely to air out negatives about the church. Would you agree with that. 

[00:31:09] Evangelist Terrique: Yeah I would agree. 

[00:31:10] So that in terms of how we use social media on a personal level and of course we can find interesting ways to engage people to share the gospel on social media. So that's answering the first question you asked which is what role social media play with a church. So hopefully I answered all of that. 

[00:31:31] Anything. 

[00:31:31] Evangelist Terrique Yeah you definitely answered all of it. 

[00:31:33] So the next part the next part is how social media have affected the church. And I think I touched on that also. Ready. 

[00:31:43] Evangelist Terrique: Yeah. Because a social influencer you know late with Christian influencers you know that's you know kind of like a new term in the last couple of years. 

[00:31:53] Evangelist Terrique: Yeah well you have you know Christians you know who are pivotal in like the Christian community I would say you know young people listen to you like you know like maybe you like a musical artist for example may have a certain sway over a Christian audience because you know that's what's happened miss it music they listen to you not to say that a pastor doesn't but you know a lot of times you have a lot of these you know influencers in the world that are Christians. And then one thing is people are looking to them to kinda guide them kind of like they're becoming like kind of pseudo pastors. 

[00:32:28] Bishop Reid: They're like fans. Yeah. So. Right. 

[00:32:31] And that's why I stress the fact that having a local church the local pastor that should be our primary place of receiving spiritual growth. That's not to say we cannot have someone online social media that we look up to we learn from and can influence us which should not. Don't let that be the primary thing. Well let that be the primary thing that's guiding your spiritual life. You should be supplementary. 

[00:32:58] Like I said I could good book and that would help with that. Now. 

[00:33:03] You know I believe Christian influences as you call them should be very careful in the way they use that platform God has given them. 

[00:33:14] So for example if you're not a pastor and you are just your worship leader or just a Christian brother or a sister and you have a social media you're you're sharing things about the Lord. 

[00:33:28] That's this well good and fine. Nothing's wrong with that. 

[00:33:32] But don't become don't don't try to be a pastor on the social media. You help to lead people back to their pastors. Deal with the areas that the Lord has given you to deal with without trying to step over the line. And here's here's the other thing. 

[00:33:48] If you don't know about the topic don't address it. 

[00:33:53] And I find that a lot of questions on social media they just spew their mind on anything they just spew their opinion. 

[00:34:04] Bishop Reid: If you don't know what the scriptures and what God says about a topic is best not to say anything and it's to spew off your opinions. So to to be good stewards of what God is given you. If God has given you a platform on social media where people are listening to you and your influencing people then you want to be careful what you see. 

[00:34:24] If you don't know what the Bible says about homosexuality why you talk it about it. 

[00:34:30] Bishop Reid: Well we know homosexuality is a sin. Yeah. But then you have some of these Christian influencers that do not really show what the Bible says. And then maybe someone asks him a question or maybe they see a preacher preaches against homosexuality and they give their opinion. They say well we just all love each other. And I don't see what's wrong. Well maybe you don't see what's wrong because you don't know what the scripture say. And my point is when it comes to since your influencing and you're believer when it comes to the things of the word. If you're not sure you say you know what I'm really not sure my pastor says it's wrong. My church says it's wrong. I'm going to you know find out more come back before I say something about it. What the Bible says about it before you make an opinion at. 

[00:35:22] And if you're struggling in your faith you're ready to leave your faith. 

[00:35:27] Maybe do not tell that to everybody. Maybe go and talk to your pastor. Go to church leader discuss that and you know. One of the craziest thing that's happening that these Christian influencers or so-called influencers who decide to leave the faith. They're also saying that publicly. So the people that are following them may be affected by what they are actually saying. 

[00:35:57] Bishop Reid: And that becomes an issue that becomes a problem right there. So I would say though if you have struggles in your in your life deal with it with a pastor not everything should be on social media. Not everything should be public. Some times take off a time. Talk to your pastor. Let them hold you accountable. 

[00:36:21] Let them deal with you anyway. Need to be dealt with to overcome that issue. That may be there. Praise God. 

[00:36:29] So those are just a few a few pointers I'm one of things definately think is happening also on Social media and its effect on the church are an effect on the body of Christ that there's so much information that there is a lot of nonsense. I should say where people are are following controversial things conspiracy theories. 

[00:36:55] How about you know maybe the current president is the antichrist. I mean like weird stuff. 

[00:37:02] Evangelist Terrique: Yeah because Obama was the antichrist. We all know that. Right. 

[00:37:05] Weird stuff like Planet X and you know aliens coming and I mean stuff that is you can't you can't find it in the scripture you know. And we've got to keep in mind whatever information we're hearing to filter that information through the Word of God. That's what it comes back to. And if you're not sure what the Word of God says that's why you have to have a local Church. So hope that answers your question Terrique anymore. 

[00:37:32] Evangelist Terrique: Naw you know kids read the Bible. Well kids read. 

[00:37:36] Yeah. 

[00:37:38] All right. So I hope this will think courage meant to those that are listening to any young person out there just as you see my son Terrique has gone out into ministry that God can do the same in your life. I also started ministry at a young age. God can speak to God can speak to you. He can show you what his purpose is for your life and parents that are listening. Encourage your children to go forth into ministry and please place Terrique in your prayers as he's getting ready to go to Nepal. Keep him in your prayers pray for him that the ministry will be effective that he'll be under God's protection.

[00:38:23] Bishop Reid: So Terrique if anyone wants to donate toward as you are there on a mission feel over the next year and a half or so what do they do where do they go. 

[00:38:35] Evangelist Terrique: Well this what you could do is go to Bethany International. That's Bethany international B 88 and Y International. And it's basically a Web site that's called gateways. Does that do you. Yes it is that. Bethany International that to you. Yes. OK. I could just double check that. 

[00:38:59] All right. So they go to Bethany international and and then one you would look for. 

[00:39:08] Evangelist Terrique: My name of it. So what. Bethany international dot org. So it's let me just give dot Bethany international dot org.

[00:39:17] Evangelist Terrique: OK. And when they go to that site or you can just go to Bethany international dot org and when you go to that site you can basically click on the search for a missionaries. 

[00:39:29] Evangelist Terrique: OK. It is a search for missionaries there. Yep. And you'll type in my name which starts with a t e r r i que T E RR IQue. 

[00:39:39] Evangelist Terrique: Yeah. So like literally when go on the page you're gonna go. 

[00:39:46] Evangelist Terrique: You could have Bethany international dot org. Yep. Then you go to missions. 

[00:39:51] Evangelist Terrique: Yeah. You click on the missions and then you click on give us one mission or give to a missionary. Okay. See when you do it when you go to that you're going to say fund a missionary missionary or you can say find a global intern. Okay so you want to go to fund the mission. Correct. 

[00:40:08] Evangelist Terrique: I believe you want to go to funding global intern because I'm still a global intern. 

[00:40:12] OK. When the global intern. 

[00:40:15] Evangelist Terrique: And then you're going to put I put the name of the person in. Yep. All right. 

[00:40:22] Bishop Reid: And they'll they'll be a link on our Facebook page about this so that you can donate. So you go to Bethany international dot org Go to  Missions fund a missionary. 

[00:40:35] And and you can put in the name there. 

[00:40:39] Bishop Reid: You can look up for Terrique's name was T E R R I Q U E Terrique and you could fund there and the link also will be on our Facebook page and along with this post alright so God bless you. Again pray for Terrique. And believe God parents that your children can going to enter into ministry and even going on mission trips. That's one way to do it is to take your children out on mission trips. We didn't mention that actually Terrique went on mission trips with my wife and have been in ministry with us as I have pastored church churches. Terrique has been right there helping along in the ministry and so get your children involved in doing ministry. Get your children involved in in ministry activities and inspire them to do the work of the Lord. 

[00:41:33] God bless you. Tune in again next time on the next episode of arrows of revival. 

[00:41:38] Remember you could send an e-mail at Hello at revival arrows dot com or you could go to a Web site revival arrows dot com. 

[00:41:46] Bishop Reid: God bless you. Thank you again for talking to us today Terrique. 

[00:41:49] Evangelist Terrique: Any time and just go to a link Don't you know just go to the link. 

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